Jack Goscinski, son of Ex-Captain Mike Goscinski of Eagle Hook & Ladder Company, is working on projects for his Eagle Scout requirements. One of those projects includes preparing and coordinating a process which benefits the community. Jack took on the task of coordinating the construction of a firefighter training device, a "combustible, 2 story, doll sized house with an attic, removable windows and doors, a ceiling with a penetration separating the two floors and a vented attic space. This training device represents a 2 story house which the fire department training officers strategically set on fire! The resulting smoke and flames in the doll-house behaved similarly to an actual house fire and vividly presented the dangerous conditions that develop inside. The accumulation, quantity and color of smoke at different stages of the burn were representative of actual fires. The removable doors and windows allowed the training officers to alter the available oxygen conditions to the fire and visibly demonstrate the results of proper and improper venting at an actual fire.
Jack's 'house' was a huge success in terms of education, leadership and presentation. Thank you Jack for your dedication to Scouting, the Southold FD and of course, our neighbors and friends in the community. Thank you 'JR' and '31' for the excellent presentation. |